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About the


In this personal project, I explored TensorFlow.js to create a web app featuring body tracking, object detection, and text detection. The app showcases how AI can be integrated into everyday applications, enhancing my understanding of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

  • Client
    Myself :D
  • Year
  • Role
    Full Stack Developer
  • Website
My first attempt at AI was the body detection component.
It proved to be rather wonky and lacking optimisation.

Body Tracking Demo 1

The body detection started lagging

Body Tracking Demo 2

Slightly better but still laggy

In contrast, the object detection feature operated flawlessly, showcasing the potential of the project.

Object Detection Demo

The object detection was a success!

This is definitely not the end of this project.
Late 2023, ill attempt a version 2 of the tensorflow AI project!
